The Year Is 2020 is a new short film project by Bill Irving and James Brown,
based on Brisbane poet Anisa Nandaula’s powerful poem of the same name.
Anisa Nandaula
Anisa is a nationally recognised performance poet. Her work is relentlessly focused on issues of social justice, identity and the consequences of ignoring marginalised voices. Her style is almost musical – with rhythm, rhyme and wordplay as important as the written form of her poems. She kicks arse.

Behind the Scenes
Anisa and the filmmakers describe their motivation for making The Year is 2020.
Bill+Brown are a creative duo, co-directors of the documentary feature Watan, short films and commercials.
James Brown
+61 437 093 508
Bill Irving
+61 413 399 848
Truce Films are a multi-faceted production company based in Melbourne, Australia.
Michael Ciccone
+ 61 412 125 433
For any press enquires please contact publicist
Sarah Finney
+61 400 197 558
The views expressed in this film are those of the filmmakers, not the cast, nor any persons whose image features in stock footage.